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- American Journal of Kidney Disease, 2007-ClinicalKey
- American Journal of Psychiatry, 1997-Am Psychiatric Pub
- American Journal of Roentgenology, 1965年-ARRS
- Anesthesia & Analgesia, 1957-OvieSP
- Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2007-ClinicalKey
- Arthritis & Rheumatology, 契約年+過去4年Wiley
- BJU International, 契約年+過去4年Wiley
- Circulation, 1950-OvidSP
- Clinics in Perinatology, 2007-ClinicalKey
- Critical Care Medicine, 1995-OvidSP
- Fertility & Sterility, 2007-ClinicalKey
- Gastroenterology, 2007-ClinicalKey
- Head & Neck, 契約年+過去4年Wiley
- Injury, 2007-ClinicalKey
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Am Vol.,
- JBJS Case Connector, JBJS
- JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques, JBJS
- JBJS Journal of Orthopaedics for Physician Assistants, JBJS
- JBJS Open Access, JBJS
- JBJS Reviews, JBJS
- Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2004-ASCO
- Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume), 1999-Sage
- Journal of Neurosurgery, 1994-AANS
- Journal of Neurosurgery:Pediatrics, 2004-AANS
- Journal of Neurosurgery:Spine, 1999-AANS
- Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 1996-OvidSP
- Journal of Pediatrics,The, 2007-ClinicalKey
- Journal of Perinatology, 1999年-NPG
- Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: JPRAS, 2007-ClinicalKey
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2007-ClinicalKey
- Journal of the American College Cardiology:(JACC), 2007-ClinicalKey
- Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2007-ClinicalKey
- Journal of Urology, OvieSP
- Lancet,The, 2007-ClinicalKey
- Neurosurgery, 1992-OvidSP
- New England Journal of Medicine, 1990-Massachusetts Med Soc
- Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1995-OvidSP
- Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 2012-ClinicalKey
- Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatrics
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 1996-OvidSP
- Radiology, 2009-Radiological Soci North Am
- Seminars in Oncology, 2007-ClinicalKey
- Stroke, 1970-OvidSP
- Surgery, 2007-ClinicalKey
- The Bone & Joint Journal, 1948-The Bone & Joint Journal( British Editorial Society )